
Saturday, December 4

can Raphael be easily replaced by a lemon?

The peel of my new lemon is going to be part of the spiced brandy wine I will warm all evening on the stove tonight as I festively open up my boxes of Christmas stuff and adorn things.  This will be a solo gig.  Raphael's not coming to the gala event because we're smack in the middle of Architecture Final Projects & Torture Week. 

I don't honestly know what those people do over there in the architecture studio, but they spend a whole hell of a lot of time doing it.  These days, I literally see Raphael each day between about 6:15 am when we get up and 7:37 am when he makes me leave for work. Then that's it until the next morning.  And this time - unlike all the other times when I've told you about how my zucchini plant was in the mafia or how Santa showed up to that one holiday brunch and got wasted off the champagne - I'm not exaggerating at all. 

I won't be lonely tonight, though.  I've got my lemon to hang out with.  Maybe we can have a pillowfight or something.     


Manzilla said...

I honestly don’t know what they do over in architecture either!

Charity Terry-Lorenzo said...

spiced brandy wine recipe, please. I need more spiced beverages in my life.