Yeah. Like all Democrats, I hate them too.
By the way, Senator McCain. My name's not Joe. I am not in a position to buy my own plumbing business. And quit fluttering your eyelashes at me. I thought that's what you got Sarah for.
"Go vote now. It'll make you feel big and strong."
I saw a completely un-ironic "Maverick-Barracuda" bumper sticker today, and since I was still playing my debate drinking game I had to do two shots and crashed my car.
I want you at my house on November 4!
...but you should probably take the bus.
Hopefully on November 4th we'll all be drunk on the sweetness of victory...and riding with the designated driver of democracy...
I think I just lost my metaphor.
(In a sing-song voice:)
I saw O-baaa-ma!
I saw O-baaa-ma!
Tomor-row I see Bi-ill!
Tomor-row I see Bi-ill!
I love living in a swing state. We get so many visitors! And I'm totally makin' my move on Bill tomorrow... Boob-shirt.
Just promise me you and your Boob-shirt will be riding with the designated driver of democracy, 'kay?
Of course! I've given up socialist boob-shirts...
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